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Letters of Reference


We are pleased to have provided our services to many well-known companies. We enjoy helping our clients develop the skills and deliver the key messages that help move their organizations forward.

Here is a partial list of our valued clients:

The Body Shop


Mountain Equipment Co-op

CibaVision (a division of Novartis Pharmaceuticals)

Flight Centre

Duke Energy (formerly Westcoast Energy)

The Oppenheimer Group

Here is what they have to say...

"Your efforts and enthusiasm made all three days thoroughly enjoyable, interactive, action orientated and learning based. Thank you."
- Josée Paquin, CEO, The Body Shop Canada

"Since our day with Critical Pathfinders, the Adventure Playday games have become reference points in our discussions of how we could improve our group. As the person who took the risk on allocating budget to this event, I feel very well rewarded with the outcome."
- Doug Halverson, Director, Land & Community Affairs, Westcoast Energy

"Our objectives for the day were to have fun, get to know each other better, and to highlight the importance of teamwork and accountability. The Paddling Decathlon and afternoon games achieved these objectives."
- Shannon Beatty, Office Services Manager, Mountain Equipment Co-op

"I highly recommend Critical Pathfinders as an outside source to motivate and challenge staff"
- Linda Diskordia, Head of Peopleworks, Flight Centre

"I am a manager and will be able to implement these concepts with my staff."
- Participant, The Body Shop Canada

"Debriefing was very good. There were nice insights and thoughts on key learnings and how they can be applied to the real world."
- Participant, CibaVision

Click for pdf versions of reference letters that we have received.



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